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Teaching Resources

Select a category, jump to the section below, and browse these resources to learn more about teaching:

Prepare Your Course

Learning outcomes are statements that describe what students should be able to know, think or do upon successfully completing a course or program.

Learning outcomes need to be time-bound, student-centered, and measurable. For support with writing effective learning outcomes, join a Design Sprint, utilize the Design Sprint resources, or review your program's undergraduate learning outcomes.

Your syllabus is your guide for the whole semester. It is often the first thing your students know about you and your course. Read more about UMD guidelines, sample syllabi and templates, and other resources.

Students come to our courses with knowledge, beliefs and attitudes gained in other courses and through daily life.  A student's prior knowledge about your content can help learning if it is activated, sufficient, appropriate, and accurate. For more information on accessing students' prior knowledge, take a look at our resources on How Learning Works.

Lectures are one of the most widely used teaching strategies in higher education. Learn how to prepare and present your lectures to facilitate understanding and engagement. 

You can also refer to this resource on Lesson Design and this resource on learning technologies based on your course delivery method to support you in planning for class sessions.

It is important that your learning outcomes, class activities and materials, and assessments all match. Think about designing your course "backward" - start with your goals, then plan your assessments. Your day-to-day class lessons come last so that you can be sure they align. Read more about aligning your assessments with learning outcomes.

If you need to shift a class session online due to a natural or facility disruption, there are things to consider regarding student communications and planning. Use these materials for temporary modality changes.

Include All Learners

The environment you develop in your classroom has a huge impact on student learning. Read about how to create a classroom climate that fosters respect, engagement, and safety for all students.

You can also review our resource on Compassion & Connection in the classroom.

Do you want to make sure that all learners can access your content in the way that is most effective for them? The Universal Design for Learning framework can help you set up your course for student success.

The high cost of textbooks and other resources can be prohibitive to students. Read about why and how to select affordable course materials. 

It takes a supportive community to develop an anti-racist mindset and make sure your classroom is inclusive. Join the TLTC and colleagues across campus to do this difficult but important work.

Ensure your assignments have clear expectations so that students understand the purpose, instructions, deadlines and grading criteria for their work throughout the course.  Learn more about the Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) Framework to support you with this.

Have you ever wondered why students are struggling with even very basic content? They may lack effective studying and learning strategies. Read about how you can help students develop into learners.

Students have a lot going on outside your class, and sometimes their personal needs can interrupt their learning. Learn how you can use UMD resources to help students attend to all of their needs.

Engage Your Students

When students talk to each other, they don't just learn your course content. They also learn how to articulate ideas, listen, and respond to others. Learn how to facilitate effective discussions in your class.

Active learning increases both academic performance and student motivation. Learn more about easy active learning strategies you can implement today.

Experiential learning allows students to learn while doing. They will learn about themselves, the world, and their future careers in the process. Read about various types of experiential learning.

Project Based Learning (PBL) allows students to apply their knowledge from your course in real-world scenarios. Learn more about PBL and see how you can implement it in your class.

Team assignments can be the best or worst part of a class. When they are planned and facilitated well, students are more invested in the course and their learning. Learn how to integrate effective team assignments into your course.

Assess Learning

Formative assessment allows you to see how students are learning throughout the course so that you can make adjustments and help everyone succeed. Read more about how to assess and analyze students' learning.

Whether you are leaving comments on students' work, providing practice quizzes before an assessment, or using formative assessments or rubrics, all forms of feedback can support student learning and metacognition. Ensure your students maximize the benefits of your feedback by sharing data from formative assessments with the class, and reminding students to read through the feedback you've shared with them.

Academic integrity is paramount in any university setting. Learn about UMD guidelines and best practices to promote honesty and high standards.

Learn how to go beyond traditional letter grades and grading structures, and create systems to increase student motivation and learning through alternative grading strategies

Rubrics are useful because they help students understand assignment requirements and help you grade efficiently and consistently. Learn more about the benefits of rubrics and how to create and use them.

Through close observation, collection of feedback, and design of experiments, instructors can determine a great deal about how students learn from various teaching approaches.  Explore techniques to begin using data to guide your instruction.

Reflect on, Evaluate, and Improve Your Teaching

Students aren't the only source of data on your teaching. You can self-reflect, share feedback with peers, and get support from the TLTC. Learn more about the different types of teaching feedback you can collect and how to interpret your data.

A Teaching Philosophy Statement is a tool for systematic self-reflection, a template for your course planning, and a support to further develop your career.

A strong teaching portfolio can showcase your expertise as both a content expert and an effective instructor. Learn why and how to assemble a powerful portfolio.

One way to engage in the practice of Teaching as Research is to submit a presentation or poster proposal to our annual Innovations in Teaching & Learning Conference!  If you are interested in developing a Teaching as Research project, the TLTC also invites proposals for Teaching Innovation Grants

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