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Femal instructor with her hair pulled back in a ponytail writes notes on a chalkboard as she teaches a class.

Equity & Inclusion

Through resources, programs, consultations, and learning communities, TLTC supports teachers in creating learning environments where students of all identities and backgrounds can flourish.

Signs at a protest for black lives matter

Anti-Racist Pedagogy

We support instructors who strive to incorporate an anti-racist pedagogy into their personal teaching practice.

Join us to Explore Anti-Racist Pedagogy
a white woman in a red shirt with brown hair sits at a computer and considers features that are accessible.

Creating Accessible Content

Inclusive teaching is excellent teaching. Join us in exploring Accessibility and Accommodations for Learning at UMD.

Learn More about Accessible Content
Brown woman sits at a desk and directs students to some free files that are online

Affordable Course Materials

Support all students with low-cost or no-cost course materials such as OER or through library services.

Affordable Course Materials at UMD
Universal Design for Learning Graphic Organizer

Universal Design for Learning

Provide multiple entry points for all students to access deep, meaningful learning in your course with the UDL Framework.

Check out Universal Design for Learning

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