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A Brown woman in a yellow sweater is seated in the center of the room at a table next to a white male. They appear to be discussing something on the computer.


Welcome, University of Maryland scholars! The Teaching and Learning Transformation Center is dedicated to connecting instructors at the University of Maryland to ongoing grant funding opportunities and providing support for research and evaluation. Check out our sections below to learn more.

White woman with blond hair and a red shirt sits in front of a black laptop and gestures to the Fearless Teaching Framework logo on the board behind her.

Fearless Teaching Framework

The Fearless Teaching Framework (FTF) is a conceptual model of an effective course based on decades of educational theory and empirical research.

Read more about FTF
Brown man with turquoise shirt and red pants gesturing to the board behind him where there is a thumbs up symbol

The Mid-Semester Evaluation of College Teaching

The MSECT is a quick survey to measure students' perceptions of their course. 

Find out if it's right for your research project
Two females have a discussion. One woman in a turquoise shirt and gray pants is leaning on a desk while the second a white haired woman with a grey sweater is on a screen.

Grant Opportunities

Want to learn more about ongoing grant funding opportunities?

Learn More about Grant Opportunities
Two instructors, one white woman in a red shirt with bow and one black male instructor with a turquoise shirt sit at a desk and engage in a discussion.


Are you working on a research project and you would like one or two consultation sessions? 

Request a consult on Education Research

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