Short-Term Absences or Emergency Closure
Resources for Teaching
A variety of circumstances might require you to temporarily take your class online with minimal notice: a campus closure, increased absenteeism during a flu outbreak, a family emergency requiring your presence elsewhere, etc. This guide will provide you with some actions to take when making that shift quickly.

Get Details About the Closure
Emergency campus/building closures will be noted on University communications channels. You should also stay in touch with your Department Chair.

Start with the Basics
Make sure you have your basic teaching functions covered. Download a checklist here to review suggested tips, tools, and short-term strategies.

Manage Expectations
Communicating with your students and letting them know what is expected during a time of disruption is paramount. Use these best practices to stay in touch.
Consider Accessibility & Accommodations
Access needs may change during a shift in instructional mode. Consider these best practices and learn how to apply them in any modality.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you wondering about something not listed here? Check out these frequently asked questions. If you still don't see your answer, email tltc@umd.edu.