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Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL)

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is defined as the systematic investigation of student learning, instruction, and/or teaching innovations and the dissemination of findings so as to contribute to a broader knowledge community. SoTL projects at their essence aim to improve student success by providing an evidence base to help inform course design and instructional decisions undertaken by faculty and programs. SoTL research questions can explore what is currently happening in your classroom or what is possible in your classroom. This research can elevate your teaching practice and can contribute to best practices for teaching in your discipline. 

As with any research, SoTL research requires a thorough literature review, triangulated methodologies, and purposeful data analysis. In addition, SoTL research requires IRB approval, since the work centers around human subjects. At the University of Maryland, there is an option to apply for an expedited IRB approval through the systemwide SoTL IRB protocol. We are offering a workshop to support instructors. Please reach out to us for a consultation if you'd like support with your SoTL research!


  • Bernstein, D. (2010). Finding Your Place in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 4(2).
  • Creating a systemwide IRB for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) | USM Center for Academic Innovation. (n.d.).
  • Dewar, J. M., & Bennett, C. D. (2015). Doing the scholarship of teaching and learning in mathematics. The Mathematical Association of America.
  • So, K. Knowledge construction among teachers within a community based on inquiry as stance, Teaching and Teacher Education, Volume 29, 2013, Pages 188-196, ISSN 0742-051X,
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