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A Brown woman in a yellow sweater is seated in the center of the room at a table next to a white male. They appear to be discussing something on the computer.

Mid Semester Evaluation of College Teaching

The Mid-Semester Evaluation of College Teaching (MSECT) was developed by the TLTC to provide useful feedback from students to instructors on their teaching. It is also a great survey to use to see if a course intervention has made a statistically significant difference in the learning experience for the students. The survey has been validated for face-to-face and online course contexts (Byrne & Donlan, 2020; Donlan & Byrne, 2020). A copy of this survey is available on canvas commons on ELMS. Just search for TLTC and it will be among the results. 

If you have questions about this survey, please contact Dr. Alice Donlan at

All response sets are 1 = Strongly Disagree to 6 = Strongly Agree

Questions in italics are designed for blended and online courses

A. Background Information:

  1. I am taking this course because I am personally interested in this subject.
  2. I am taking this course because I am required to take this course.

B. Classroom Climate:

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about this course's learning environment?

  1. My instructor creates an in-person classroom that is supportive for learning.
  2. My instructor creates an online environment that is supportive for learning.
  3. My instructor makes the class accessible to students with many different needs.
  4. My instructor creates an inclusive learning environment where everyone is welcome.

Optional Open-Ended Question: Would you like to explain any of your answers to this section?

C. Course Content:

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about this course's content? 

  1. The content in this course is relevant to me academically, personally, and/or professionally.
  2. The instructor helps make the content of this course interesting.
  3. The instructor communicated clear learning outcomes for this course.
  4. I have the prior knowledge necessary to be successful in this course.

Optional Open-Ended Question: Would you like to explain any of your answers to this section?

D. Evidence-Based Teaching Practices:

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about your instructor's teaching practices?

  1. During online classes, this course includes activities other than watching recorded lectures.
  2. During in-person classes, this course includes in-class activities other than lecture.
  3. My instructor helps me understand new content by connecting it to things I already understand.
  4. My instructor motivates me to put effort into the course.

Optional Open-Ended Question: Would you like to explain any of your answers to this section?

E. Assessment Strategies:

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about your instructor's assessment strategies?

  1. The assessments (e.g., quizzes, exams, papers) in this course are graded fairly.
  2. My instructor provides me with timely feedback on my work.
  3. The expectations for the assignments are clear.

Optional Open-Ended Question: Would you like to explain any of your answers to this section?

F. Basic Course Functioning:

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the course? 

  1. Regularly attending class meetings helps me learn the course material.
  2. Regularly using the ELMS course page helps me learn course material.
  3. My instructor responds to emails from students.
  4. I am able to access the resources (e.g., books, software, materials) I need to complete assignments in this class.
  5. This course has a syllabus that is easy to understand.
  6. This course is organized and well-structured.
  7. The online course structure and software are easy to navigate.

Optional Open-Ended Question: Would you like to explain any of your answers to this section?

G. Open-ended Feedback

  1. What about the course is most helpful for your learning?
  2. What about the course is least helpful for your learning?
  3. Do you have other comments on ways to improve the course?

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