Instructor Support
We are dedicated to the professional development of all members of the campus teaching community as we support evidence-based learning and teaching practices. Our instructional design team and faculty coaches are eager to partner with faculty, graduate students, postdocs, and administrators.

TLTC consultants work one-on-one with UMD instructors. Consultations are available to all UMD instructors (faculty, staff, & grad students).

Teaching Resources
Engage with the scholarship of teaching and learning through these asynchronous materials to learn about active learning, inclusive pedagogy, and more.

TLTC Teaching Academy
Set your feet on the pathway to earn a meta-credential in a specific aspect of teaching. The TLTC Teaching Academy supports inclusive, equitable, and innovative teaching strategies.

Learning Communities
Join your instructor colleagues across campus to build community, try new strategies, and explore ways to enhance teaching and learning.

Feedback on Your Teaching
Are you always hoping to reflect on and improve your teaching? Request a course observation, mid-semester focus group or another coaching service.

Instructional Technology
Whether you want help setting up or grading assignments in ELMS-Canvas, flipping your class, or teaching entirely online, we're here to help.