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2022 Teaching & Learning Grant Awardees

We congratulate all of the 2022 Grant Recipients and their Co-PIs, and look forward to the difference they will make on campus. 

College PI Name Co-PIs Project Title
AGNR Caroline Boules Joanna Goger, Annette Spivy Innovative Improvements in Experiential Learning in the Environmental Science and Policy Capstone Course
AGNR Taryn Devereux Global Agriculture: Food Security through Cross-Cultural Learning & Doing
AGNR Meredith Epstein Heather McHale, Frank Coale An Interdisciplinary Experiential Learning Coordinator for the UMD One Health Campus
AGNR Byoung-Suk Kweon Converting Summer/Winter Online LARC162 to Regular Semester Blended Course: Small steps to reduce environmental injustice and work together with EJ communities to improve their built environments.
AGNR Thomas Jacob Mazzone Making Agronomic Decisions on the Fly
AGNR Bill Phillips Nicole Fiorellino Development of a Tractor and Equipment Operation, Safety and Maintenance Course, AGST401
AGNR Stephanie Ann Pully UME Home Gardening Certificate
AGNR Jack Sullivan Landscape + Art: Creating Generators for Community Engagement with the Anacostia River
AGNR Margaret Udahogora Amy Schachtner, Rachel Melissa, Saunders UMD Dietetics Program - Expanding Senior Dietetic Experiential Learning: Community Involvement among Minorities to Reverse Prediabetes and Empower Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes to Navigate Self-Management Decisions and Activities.
AGNR, ARCH, EDUC, ENGR, INFO Patricia Kosco Cossard Mike Binder, Michael Ezban, Hooman Koliji, Peter I May, Bryan Quinn Decolonizing Education to Meet Climate Change Demands: reACT Testbed Lab
AGNR, ARCH, ENGR Peter I. May Patti Cossard, Garth Rockcastle, Mike Binder, Bryan Quinn The Cost of Carbon Reduction: An Embodied Energy/Life Cycle Assessment Evaluation of the University of Maryland’s Solar Decathlon Competition Entries
AGNR, UGST Timothy Raymond Knight Incorporating Dialogue into Living-Learning Program Curriculum to Support Navigating Diverse Social Environments
ARCH Juan L. Burke Project-based learning in Urban Design History and Theory Teaching: Integrating Major Challenges of Our Time
ARCH Clara Irazabal Hannah M. Cameron Community Planning Studio - Restorative Justice for Lakeland, MD
ARCH Hooman Koliji Climate Innovations & Justice through Design Thinking
ARHU Neel Ahuja Eva Hageman, Sydney F. Lewis, Jessica Lee Mathiason Art- and Technology-Based Experiential Pedagogy on Institutional and Structural Racism
ARHU Thomas Earles Elisa Gironzetti, Sara Wilder, Vessela Valiavitcharska Reimagine Learning: Develop Multilingual Tutoring in the Writing Center
ARHU Lauren Edelstein Cultivating Skills for Engaging Constructively in Conflicts
ARHU Emily Egan Learning Through Replication
ARHU Shawn Parry-Giles COMM 360: Rhetoric of Black America
ARHU Elisa Gironzetti Chris Lewis, José Magro, Mel Penrose Spanish at Work - Internships and experiential learning modules for Spanish in the Professions
ARHU Avital Karpman Gender-Inclusion in the Foreign Language Class
ARHU Manel Lacorte Kira Gor, Elisa Gironzetti, Lindsay Yotsukura, Ross Lewin, Mary Ellen Scullen Language Learning for Multilingual Societies: Experiential Learning and Project Based Curricula
ARHU Siv B. Lie Rethinking Music and Culture in Hybrid Environments
ARHU Cynthia Lee Martin The Art of Dissent: Aesthetics, Politics and Civil Disobedience
ARHU Scott Trudell Erin Green, Jeannette Schollaert Literature of Science and Technology: Inspiring and Sustaining Experiential, Project-Based Learning
ARHU Scott Trudell Nat McGartland, Diana Proenza Introduction to Digital Studies: Inspiring and Sustaining Experiential, Project-Based Learning
ARHU Patrik Widrig Marielis Garcia Site-specific Choreography & Dance Film Course
ARHU Colleen Woods Preserving Immigrant Stories, Cultivating Student Research: Redesigning IMMR 400
ARHU Minglang Zhou Guiling Hu, Mei Kong, Jungjung Lee-Heitz Integrating Chinese Language Partnership into CHIN101
ARHU Minglang Zhou Yuli Wang Integrating Chinese Language Partnership into CHIN301
ARHU, BSOS Michelle V. Rowley Black Feminist Thought: Pedagogy as Civic Engagement
ARHU, CMNS Katherine A. O'Neill Natalia L. White, Christopher L. Capp A Science Writing Course (ENGL 390) for Chemistry and Biochemistry Majors: A Collaborative Approach to Teaching Writing in STEM DisciplinesChemistry
ARHU, UGST Peter Mallios Mass Incarceration and Academic Writing: Teaching Academic Writing in Prison
ARHU, UGST Abigail McEwen Art & Activism and Carillon Communities
BMGT Maria Gisela Bardossy Applying Project Management techniques to community projects in College Park
BMGT Progyan Basu Experiential Learning Assignments analyzing Financial Statement Data from Fortune 500 Companies
BMGT Humberto C. Coronado Hugh S. Turner AR/VR Exploration of Supply Chain Challenges
BMGT Proti Dastidar Rajshree Agarwa Challenge your Thinking/ Challenge the Conversation
BMGT Paul Shapiro Teaching Innovation for Effective Project Management (PM) Instruction - PM Simulation 2.0
BSOS Johanna K Birnir Ernesto Calvo Re-imagining graduate methods training
BSOS Colleen Byrne A proposal to improve training for clinical psychology doctoral students through the use of technological advances in assessment training and clinical supervision
BSOS Shannon P. Carcelli American Foreign Policy in the Former Soviet Union: The Kyrgyzstani Experience
BSOS Ana Navarro-Cebrian Jeremy Purcell Developing In-class and Virtual Experiential Neuroscience Educational Resources and Activities
BSOS Robert Choflet Sharon Harley, Angel Dunbar Black Culture in the US, Experiential Learning Redesign
BSOS Brian Gilmore Housing Law in the Public Interest - MLAW 378
BSOS George Hambrecht Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman, Henry Duval Gregory, Christian Cloke Digital Zooarchaeology
BSOS Monica Kearney Advancing Social Justice Advocacy through Project-Based Learning in Multicultural Psychology in the U.S.
BSOS Brian Kim Sarah Croco, Candace Truitto, Jesse Klein, Taylor Oshan, Zubin Jelveh Cloud-based Active Learning for BSOS Statistics and Data Science Courses
BSOS Mark P. Leone Working Evolution, Building a Black Plantation Church, and Seeing the Difference between Chattel Slavery and Trafficking in Persons
BSOS Kris Marsh SOCY310: Sociology of Race, Class, Gender and Sports
BSOS Amy McLaughlin Sociology in Action: Research and Community Engagement in Prince George's County
BSOS Eusebia Mont Samira Anderson, Eric Hoover, Nicole Nguyes, Jose Ortiz, Sarah Sohns Reaching all students: An active-learning approach to infusing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the curriculum
BSOS Erin Moody Using Big Data to Solve Economic and Social Problems
BSOS Joseph Oudin Elizabeth Blake, Alexander Jonas Improving the Simulations in BSST 334: States of Emergency
BSOS Lisa Rickard A Community-Based Experiential Learning Partnership to Provide Hearing Healthcare
BSOS Nazish Salahuddin Monica Kearney Expansion of the PREP program
BSOS Nazish Salahuddin Steven Young Transforming the PSYC Experience for First Generation, Transfer students and Students from Historically Excluded Backgrounds
BSOS Stefania Scandizzo Global events and international trade research project in Econ 443
BSOS Christina Shields Vestibular Assessment 1.0
BSOS Tracy Tomlinson Amanda Chicoli, Benjamin Jones Developing the four C’s of experiential research and dissemination: Conduct, Commit, Communicate, and Collaborate
BSOS Jennifer Wallace Localizing Global Development: Poverty and Inequality in Washington DC
BSOS, ENGR, INFO, SPHL, UGST Ross Lewin Stacy Kosko, Ramsey Jabaji, Raluca Nahorniac, Taylor Woodman Universal Global Learning: A Common Agenda for Global Justice
CMNS Karen Carleton Alexa Bely, Sara Lombardi, Gili Marbach-Ad, David Hawthorne, Marcia Shofner Global change biology in the Biological Sciences (BSCI) major
CMNS Jonathan Francis Fernandes Mestiyage Gunatilleka Bringing Computing, Simulations, and Data Analysis to Stat400.
CMNS Lee Friedman Monique Koppel Proposal to Purchase Permanent Magnet NMR Spectrometers for the Majors Chemistry Labs
CMNS Carter Hall Victor Galitski, Chris Lobb, Erin Sohr, Greg Sullivan, Chandra Turpen Active Learning for Quantum Education
CMNS David Van Horn José Calderon, Amol Deshpande, David Weintrop A Data-Centric and Experiential Introduction to Computing
CMNS Bill Lamp Alina Avanesyan, David Hawthorne Application of a DNA barcoding module to BSCI 467, Freshwater Biology: Addressing the loss of species and genetic diversity
CMNS Chan Lin Caitlin Fox, Hilary Bierman Experiential learning redesign of Diseases of the Nervous System (BSCI452)
CMNS Vyacheslav Lyubchich MEES708X: Gaining reproducible research skills on an unreproducible schedule
CMNS Kimberly Paczolt Philip Johnson, Nicholas Fletcher Application of Biological Data to Examine Human Diversity in a Laboratory Setting
CMNS Yanir Rubinstein Experiential Learning: Mathematics of Geometry and Data (MATH386)
CMNS Hatice Sahinoglu A friendly introduction to Data Science with R
CMNS Rodrigo Trevino Experimental Mathematics
CMNS, ENGR Amanda Schech Elizabeth Griffith Student-centered, application-based redesign of the General Chemistry for Engineers (CHEM 135) course
EDUC Tasha Harris Myles Alexander Leadership & Sport
EDUC Loren Jones Alison Jovanovic Making Connections: Engaging Pre-Service Teachers in Meaningful Early Field Experiences
EDUC Yewon Lee Leveraging Experiential Learning to Enhance Civicmindedness and Awareness of Social Justice Issues
EDUC Jennie Lee-Kim Kathryn Yee, Erica Ely Redesigning EDHD 390 to enhance experiential learning opportunities that foster diverse community connections and the application of human development knowledge
EDUC Dawn Martin Engaging in Experiential Learning to Design Accessible Environments through a Teacher’s Lens
EDUC Theresa Nebel Robinson Project-Based Learning in the Capstone Experience: Creative Initiatives in Teacher Education (CITE) M.Ed. Program
EDUC Angela Christine Stoltz integrationLab: A Proposal for an Applied Improvisation Seminar Collaboration
EDUC Margaret Walker Henry Duval Gregory "Quint" The BSU/UMD Art and Social Practice Co-Lab
EDUC, GRAD Amy Green Angela Stoltz Advancing Innovative Climate Change Education through Contextualized and Experiential Mathematics
ENGR Deborah Goldberg Incorporation of Simulated and Hands-on Biopharmaceutical R&D Experiences in an Engineering Elective Course
ENGR Romel D. Gomez Robert Briber, Aris Cleanthous, Micole Mogule, Vincent Nguyen Experiential Lab Development for ENEE101 "Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering"
ENGR Lan Ma Expanding Capstone Learning Experience in Biological Data Science
ENGR Jackelyn Lopez Roshwalb Reimagining Introduction to Engineering Design
ENGR Reuel Calvin Smith Mohammad Modarres Reliability Toolkit Development through Graduate Student Testing, Input, and Feedback
ENGR Ian White UMDesign
ENGR Taylor Woehl New Chemical Engineering Course Development Emphasizing Experiential, Lab-Based Learning: Chemical Processes in Beer Brewing
INFO Vedat Diker Pamela Duffy Adding Experiential Learning-based Community and Civic Engagement to INST327
INFO Katherine Izsak Vedat Diker, Ron Padron A Campus Computation Center: Broadening Computing Success through Hands-On Learning and Intersectional Computing Identity Development
INFO Bill Kules Pamela Duffy, Andrew Fellows, Jesse Klein, TJ Rainsford, Travis Wagner Integrating experiential learning-based DEI into INST490 Integrated Capstone for Information Science
INFO Ido Sivan-Sevilla TJ Rainsford Creating experiential learning experiences for real-world information risk problems
INFO Katie Shilton Tamara Clegg, Katherine Worboys Izsak Navigating Ethics in Tech (NET+): Pursuing Ethical Tech Identities Through Alumni Networks and Co-Design of Experiential Learning
JOUR Alison Burns Developing a Transportable Media Literacy Exhibit: A Media Scholars Community-Engaged Research and Service Initiative
JOUR Adam Marton Rob Wells Building Better Student Journalists Through Collaboration
JOUR Sarah Ann Oates Derek P. Willis Linking Research and Journalism Practice: Revamping JOUR479E in Merrill College
JOUR Derek P. Willis Sarah Ann Oates From Data Analytics to Deeper Thinking: Revamping JOUR772 in Merrill College
PLCY Douglas Besharov Douglas Call Enhancing Core Skills in Policy Analysis
PLCY Patricia Bory Claire Dunning, Patricia Bory Reimagining PLCY 699D: Social Identity and Pluralism in Public Policy
PLCY Ebonie Cooper-Jean Selvon Waldron Hands-On Nonprofit Leadership & Social Innovation!
PLCY, UGST Alana Hackshaw Still Separate and Unequal? The Enduring Role of Segregation in American Life
SPHL Kendall M. Bustad Public Health Nutrition: Exploring Personal, Campus, and Community Food Ways
SPHL Jennifer German Introduction to Clinical Research: Development of a Public Health Sciences Course to Cultivate Future Clinicians
SPHL Jenny Hodgson Kristin Cipriani Incorporating Data Analysis in the Public Health Science Capstone Course: Enhancing Student Skill Development and Meeting Workforce Demand
SPHL Kathleen McPhaul Re-Designing MIEH 480 Introduction to Occupational Health as a Learning Laboratory for Students, Workers, Employers and Government
SPHL Amy A. Morgan Amy Lewin, Mona Mittal, Kevin Roy Campus and Community Leaders in Mental Health (CCLiMH)
SPHL Robin Puett Expanding opportunities for stress-resilience, health science literacy and multicultural appreciation
SPHL Kerry Weil Tripp Virtual Global Internship Project
Student Affairs / Academic Affairs Joann Prosser Kate Blanch, Earl Cabellon, Marinel Martinez-Benyarko, Allynn Powell Experiential Learning for Terps (ELT): Intentional Reflection on Career Competencies and Transferable Skills for Undergraduate Students
UGST Kelly Brower Redesigning CPPL 100
UGST Cynthia Kay Stevens Jazmin Pichardo, Nicole Mehta, Benjamin Parks, Melissa Del Rios, Ben Beltran Integrating Intergroup Dialogue into Campus Living-Learning Programs

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